re·spect - [ri-spekt] –noun
esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability:
I have great respect for her judgment. self-re·spect - [self-ri-spekt, self-] –noun
proper esteem or regard for the dignity of one's character.
One may not think of these two words much, and surely no attention to their meaning occurs in conscious thought. But the definitions shown above hold the stuff which makes me who I am and you who you are.
Without self-respect, who are you?Without self-respect you open yourself up to manipulation, exploitation, possible physical, emotional and mental abuse, and the inevitable disintegration of your self esteem. People with low self-respect could presently be or become:
- battered wives/husbands
- batterers
- doormats (easily taken advantage of)
- family scapegoat
- bullies
These people may feel:
- angry/annoyed/irritated/rageful
- resentful
- hopeless
- powerless
- depressed
- anxious
You can easily see how a lack of self-respect, in its smallest and largest forms, could change your life from healthy and productive to sickly and fruitless.
If you recognize any of these traits in yourself, don't wait until your symptoms become so confining that you sturggle to see your way out. Whether your issues are minial or monumental, I can help you overcome them.
Become Your Best Self!