Tuesday, December 25, 2007

New Year- New Life!

As we near the end of 2007 and the bright beginning of 2008, talk of the New Year's resolution bubbles up.

What gifts will your new year hold?
What relationship will you work on mending?
What dream will you try to bring to reality?
What wrong will you make right?
What opportunity will you take?
What challenge will you face with courage?
What personal quest will you embark upon?

Whatever your New Year's resolution will be,
I can help you find the secret to making it happen!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Make your Choice

Finding the courage to take responsibility for yourself and change your life is one of the greatest human challenges you may face. You have accumulated habits and beliefs that have shaped and continue to shape every single relationship you embark upon. Your experiences, starting in early childhood up to the moment before you read this sentence, have the power to leave lasting impacts. Some of these have been incredible and have changed you for the better… and some have marked you terribly.

I now offer you a choice; and perhaps one you never thought of before. Do you want to stay the way you are, missing vital pieces of happiness? Or do you want to find your inherent control and power that can help you heal from old wounds and persevere?

You do have a choice, and I’d like to help you see it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Manage Your Anger

Anger is a necessary and important emotion we have that lets us know when something is wrong or we've been violated in some way. However, anger can turn into volatile rage when it's not managed properly.

Do you notice these tendencies in your daily life?

1. Easily irritable
2. Prone to road rage
3. Frequent headaches
4. Frequent stomach aches
5. Difficulty sleeping
6. Others distancing themselves from you when you show your anger
7. Rage attacks- throwing things or hitting things/people/yourself when you get overly angry
8. Blackouts after rage attacks
9. Predominant sarcasm
10. Habitual lateness
11. Procrastination
12. Predominant boredom
13. Depression

These are just a few possible symptoms of suppressed anger that can at least make your life less than content and at most turn into damaging rage.

If you identify with any of these, please call me.
I can help you.