Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is Relationship Counseling For You?

Here is a short check list to help you decide if relationship counseling could help you.

1. You spend more time away from your partner than usual.
2. You argue more often and about seemingly minor things.
3. You hold grudges.
4. You don't resolve conflict successfully.
5. You have trouble talking to your partner about problems, so you bring a third party friend or family member into the mix (this is also called triangulating).
6. You bring up issues from the past that you or your partner thought were resolved.
7. You question your decision to remain in the relationship.
8. You don't feel like yourself in the relationship/you or your partner have changed for the worse.
9. You have thoughts or have acted on thoughts of infidelity.
10. You have thoughts or have acted on thoughts of separation or divorce.

If you are struggling with any of these thoughts or behaviors, your relationship is running a minimal to severe risk of collapsing.

Pay attention to your relationship and partner, and when you start to notice issues that don't get resolved, be proactive and seek counseling.

If you have waited a long time for things to get better and are feeling hopeless and discouraged about the longevity of your relationship, seek counseling.

I Am Here. I Can Help.

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