Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to get from Problem to SOLUTION!

It is my belief that every problem has a solution.

Hate your job?? QUIT!
Don't like your hair?? GET IT CUT!
Not happy with your weight?? EAT LESS AND EXERCISE!
Mad at your spouse?? TELL THEM!
Need more help cleaning house?? ASK FOR IT!

Sounds simple, eh?
Believe me when I say... I know it's not.

And the reason why it's not this simple is becasue of our struggle to change. And as I've written in a previous article: it's not the actual change we fear, but what we are leaving behind. Our resistance to this loss is what can sometimes slow down our process- or even cripple it.

I can help you recognize, understand, and move past your resistance
so that any problem you face will have a solution!

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