Monday, November 16, 2009

Asking For Help

Sometimes we get so used to the status quo; the uncomfortable comfortability of our old habits, that we are afraid to make any changes or don't even realize that we have choices. We offer up so many excuses, to others or simply in our own heads, that we can't do anything about our problems. Excuses like:

1) It's out of my hands

2) I don't know how

3) I've tried and my efforts didn't work

4) It'll/He'll/She'll/They'll never change

5) It's just too hard

Well, I'm here to tell you, respectfully, that you are wrong :) And the solution to your error lies in three words...all you must do is take the chance and ASK FOR HELP.

::enter the next slew of excuses::

1) I don't think anyone can help

2) I can't afford it

3) I give up

If you find someone who seems trustworthy; someone who could understand and offer empathy; someone you feel comfortable with, then give yourself a chance. Give them a chance, they may surprise you. Therapists and counselors are here to help... help you see your choices, help you take charge of what happens to you.
If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

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